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What is Thatch?

Thatch is a layer of living and dead stems, roots and crowns that develop between the green vegetation and the soil surface. A thatch layer greater than one inch acts as a barrier to water, nutrients and air reaching the soil and should be removed to ensure a healthy lawn. 

What is Dethatching?

We use heavy duty U-Shaped spring tines which lift embedded leaves, twigs and thatch without damage healthy grass. It will also comb the matted grass providing the lawn with a clean, raked and manicured look.


Dethatching is a perfect tool for your Fall lawn renovation when used with an Aeration to help promote root development for a healthier and thicker lawn.

All Thatch is removed from the lawn, bagged up and disposed of.

What is Power Raking?

Both a Power Rake & Dethatcher are used to remove thatch in the lawn. A Power Rake is much more aggressive at getting rid of the build up of dead grass, but is also able to damage your property if used incorrectly.

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